Category Archives: About Gem Stones

What is Malachite?

Malachite is a green, very common copper mineral. It is often banded in appearence, like agates. Its hardness is a four and it is very heat sensitive. Early on, it was ground and used as a pigment for paints. Some of malachite’s powers include protection for the wearer, power, peace, love, and success in business. It is worn to detect impending danger, and is assumed to break into pieces when danger is near. It is the guardian stone of travelers. Malachite promotes inner peace and hope, and it provides protection and security.

Some pictures of malachite are:


4Cs of Diamonds

Everybody knows that diamonds are very valuable. But what determines their values?

You guessed it! It is the Four C’s of a diamond that determines its value.

Carat – represents the weight. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams, about the same weight as a paperclip. Don’t mix the “carat” with “karat” which refers gold purity.

Clarity – refers to the absence of (internal) inclusions and (external) blemishes. Diamonds without these birthmarks are rare, and rarity affects a diamond’s value. Using the GIA International Diamond Grading System™, diamonds are assigned a clarity grade that ranges from flawless (FL) to diamonds with obvious  inclusions (I3).

Color – Diamond color is all about what you can’t see. Diamonds are valued by how closely they approach colorlessness – the less color, the higher their value. (The exception to this is fancy-color diamonds, such as pinks and blues, which lie outside this color range.)

Cut – The cut of any diamond has three attributes: brilliance (the total light reflected from a diamond), fire (the dispersion of light into the colors of the spectrum), and scintillation (the flashes of light, or sparkle, when a diamond is moved).

About Crystal

A crystal is a solid substance in which the atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. Examples include table salt (sodium chloride), quartz, and diamond.

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What do you know about “Coral Stone – 珊瑚石”?

CoralStone - 珊瑚石

What do you know about “Amber – 琥珀”?

Amber - 琥珀

What do you know about “Aquamarine – 海蓝宝石”?

Aquamarine - 海蓝宝石

What do you know about “Rose Quartz – 玫色石英石”?

Rose Quartz - 玫色石英石

What do you know about “Pearl – 珍珠”?

Pearl - 珍珠

What do you know about “Peace Jade – 吉祥翡翠白玉”?

Peace Jade - 吉祥翡翠白玉

What do you know about “Malachite – 孔雀石”?

Malachite - 孔雀石

What do you know about “Sunstone – 太阳石”?

Sunstone - 太阳石

What do you know about “Garnet – 石榴石”?

Garnet - 石榴石

What do you know about “BlueTopaz – 蓝玉水晶”?

BlueTopaz - 蓝玉水晶

What do you know about “Emerald – 绿宝石”?

Emerald - 绿宝石

What do you know about “Diamond – 钻石”?

Diamond - 钻石

What do you know about “Amethyst – 紫水晶”?

Amethyst - 紫水晶

What do you know about “Jade – 碧绿宝玉”?

Jade - 碧绿宝玉